Mask Mandate

To keep with recent updates to the COVID policy, patients and practitioners will no longer be required to mask during appointments. Please let your therapist know if you would prefer them to mask and we will be happy to do so. Please note that a therapist may ask you to mask based on their comfort level or certain situations. Please respect this as some of our therapists have sick family members or young children. Thank you!

Please feel free to reach out to your individual therapist with any questions or concerns regarding this announcement.

We will continue to update on requirements as more information becomes available to us.

COVID Reminders

Follow these clinic guidelines to keep everyone safe and protected.

  1. Wear a face mask if necessary. Please refer to above statement where masks will only be required on a case to case basis when client or practitioner is not comfortable without.

  2. Use hand sanitizer when you enter the clinic or treatment room. It will be available for you inside the treatment room.

  3. Stay home if you are sick or have had a known COVID exposure.

    If you are experiencing any symptoms BC has provided us with this self-assessment tool, developed with the BC Ministry of Health, will help determine whether you may need further assessment for COVID-19 testing by a healthcare provider or at a local collection center. You can complete this assessment for yourself, or on behalf of someone else.



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