Erin is a Registered Massage Therapist and a graduate from the Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy in British Columbia, where she gained a diploma in the 3000 hour program. Through numerous community outreaches and placements, Erin learned to customize her treatment to best suit the individual’s needs, as she worked with adolescents to the elderly.

Taking a holistic approach, Erin believes the body must be treated as a whole in order to address imbalances that may be present. Deep tissue massage, myofasical release, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation, and relaxation techniques are incorporated into every treatment, to help the body effectively heal and be restored to its optimal health.

In her spare time, Erin lives and maintains an active and healthy lifestyle. She enjoys running and biking to keep fit and relaxes through reading and spending time with her family. She is also enrolled in Thompson Rivers University completing her Bachelor of Health Science Degree.

Erin Ziprick,RMT